This is really well written. I feel the same way in that, I've cut it out before for a year and that felt great in terms of energy stability and feeling "healthy"...but at the same time, I feel like life is just more fun when I drink coffee? And as you noted, it gives you that productivity boost, and this year I've been able to get my book editing finished and a course launched, in part thanks to coffee. It really does just give you that mental boost.

I just got sick with stomach issues a couple days ago and have been off coffee. I tend to have a more sensitive tummy and am always aware that coffee kind of exacerbates things. Whenever i take a forced coffee break, I re-evaluate whether I should return. But these days, I feel like in a mostly-stuck-at-home life where I sit on a computer working for the majority of my day... caffeine really is one of the few joys. Like most things, I think it's a tradeoff, and at least right now, it still is overall a net positive for me.

Thanks for sharing your journey! I think no matter what we do, we'll always wonder whether we should quit or go back to caffeine 😅

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Very relatable right now as I am also experimenting with the caffeine-free life (it's been a rollercoaster with several relapses). Good for you for sticking it out and reaping the physical benefits.....caffeine is one hell of a drug!

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Your silly doctor, why on earth won’t they test your for COVID? So glad you’re doing well and your spunky, free-spirited self has found ways to motivate with OR without caffeine.

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Major yippee! Always a joy to have a peek into the creative mind of MLE. Thanks for the treatise on mankind's earliest and continuous stimulant. Just one small, tiny, inconsequential golly gee whiz science fact. Demon caffeine, in fact, in the active diuretic ingredient in coffee. So, decaf, except for the volume of fluid consumed, has no diuretic effect. Sorry. Every once in a while I can't help myself with regards to scientific trivia. Ok. Most of the time.

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